Adults with Special Needs Living a College Experience

Adam's P.A.C.E.

Adam's P.A.C.E. (Post secondary Alternative Community-based Education) is an inclusive post-secondary program that offers students the chance to live the full college experience while receiving personalized support. As an extension of Riverside School Board’s alternative services, this program is tailored to meet the unique needs of young adults in their final years of schooling. Specific learning goals are designed through a student-centered planning process to meet the needs of individual students.

The program is a partnership between the Riverside School Board and Champlain College. Adam's P.A.C.E. is located on the Champlain campus in Saint-Lambert.

The program includes community-based instruction, job and mobility training, audited college classes and activities, transition planning, and inter-agency collaboration. Students also have opportunities to develop functional academic skills with a view to real life application, develop social skills with other people of similar ages, integrate in campus and community life and develop age-appropriate leisure and recreation pursuits.

What to Expect

A personalized 5-day-a-week program

Being a part of student life at Champlain College

The support of the P.A.C.E. team

A tailored program, which can include auditing CEGEP courses, community involvement, and/or the development of workplace experience

The 3 main components of the program are:


Social Integration and Skill Development

Internships (preparation for the world of work and employment)

Adam’s P.A.C.E. began with a dream: Adam Taylor dreamed of attending Champlain College.

As a young man with Down Syndrome, Adam had always attended his community schools, learning and growing alongside his peers.

As his classmates prepared for high school graduation and college, Adam wondered: would he be able to go to college too? It was Adam’s dream supported by other families with youth with special needs and the vision of Riverside School Board and Champlain College – Saint Lambert that resulted in the establishment of the first P.A.C.E. class in 2005.

Adam’s story is one of hope, resilience, aspirations, and the future. His legacy carries on through the design of this program which builds self autonomy, academic levels, life skills and work study competencies for all those who walk through the door holding tightly to their dreams for the future.

The program was re-named Adam’s P.A.C.E. to honor Adam and his role in the creation of this program. Sadly, Adam passed away after a courageous battle with leukemia.

Who to contact

If you are interested in our program or would like more information, please contact our Guidance Counsellor Celeste Alberga.

Where Adam's P.A.C.E. is located

Champlain College
900 Riverside Drive,
Saint-Lambert J4P 3P2